Recipe Dutch Pea soup for 4 persons;
250 g split peas
2 shoulder chops
1 bay leaf
1 sprig of thyme
1 boiled potato, cubed
1 onion, chopped
1 thin leek, in rings
300 g carrots, cubed
300 g celeriac, cut into strips
1 small smoked sausage, sliced
How to prepare; Place in a large saucepan the split peas with 1 ½ litre water, 1 tablespoon salt, bay leaf and thyme to the chops, boil and let this simmer for 20 minutes. Stir frequently also on the ground. Add the potato and vegetables and let the soup simmer for another 20 minutes. Take the meat from the pan and cut it into pieces. Stir the soup carefully, so that the peas the soup. Add the meat and the smoked sausage and let the soup simmer another 10-15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve the soup in large bowls with rye bread with smoked bacon.