Unox 20 snackballetjes in Sate
Meatballs in satay sauce
In delicious satay sauce! Delicious on a sandwich. Unox snack balls in satay sauce are specially made to serve hot with a drink. Surprisingly delicious! But these meatballs also taste delicious on a sandwich, and a quick rice meal is of course also possible. You can continue to vary with our meatballs, because they come in 5 varieties: small meatballs in curry sauce, tomato sauce, satay sauce and Italian sauce and large meatballs in gravy. There is a different variant for every occasion! Unox has been inextricably linked to Dutch cuisine for 80 years. We believe that the tastiest products can only be made from the best ingredients and that is why we continuously work on improving our products. Many Dutch households are now fans of Unox products. There are several stories about the origin of the Unox brand name. One claims that someone once thought to merge unilever, oss and ox (English for ox) into Unox. And others swear the name is the result of an employee contest. Be that as it may, from 1937, the tastiest meat products are made under the Unox brand name.