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Kecap Soy Sauce

Where can you soy sauce not for use? The Indonesian taste maker is doing very well in fried rice, noodles and satay. But many people give there also a surprising touch to soups, marinades and sauces. This Indonesian soy sauce is there in a salt and a sweet variant like Kecap Asin or Kecap Manis ) Ketjap

Results 1 - 3 of 3

Conimex Ketjap

ketjap manis 250ml

Ketjap Manis 250ml

Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 4,37 €

Ketjap Asin 250ml


Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 10,95 €

Ketjap manis 500ml

Conimex 500ml

Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 6,01 €

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