Unox existed for 75 years. In the thirties Unilever coined the new brand name for its Unox meats and canned meat. In the beginning, consumers were still a bit wary of what was then 'worst canned. But soon Unox conquered the hearts of all meat lovers and there were different kinds of Gelderland sausages, ham, cutting sausage and dozens of other meat products on the market.
Unox 20 snackballetjes in tomato saus
(in tomato saus) 420gr.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 6,56 €
Unox 20 snackballetjes in Sate
(sate saus) 420gr.
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 7,67 €
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 2,69 €
Discount: -1,02 €