Hipp Bio combiotik 1
0-7 months
Hipp Bio combiotik 1
Important. Breastfeeding is the best food for your baby consultation with your doctor or consultant before using HiPP 1 Bio Combiotik. HiPP 1 Bio Combiotics is full infant formula and suitable for baby from 0 to 6 months if they are not breastfeeding (more). Always follow the preparation advice as stated on the packaging. Incorrect preparation and storage of the food are associated with risks. HiPP has developed a new generation of organic milk nutrition with HiPP 1 Bio Combiotik Infant Milk. HiPP 1 Bio Combiotics contains a unique combination of: Nutrient Fibers (ACE *) * Galacto-oligosaccharides - from lactose Natural lactic acid bacteria Omega 3 & 6: Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) Organic milk